One good thing about fall is that all my favorite TV


come back! I

enjoy so many shows it is hard

to keep up with all of them, but I do my best... and all I can say is thanks goodness for DVR!

My all around favorite is
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE! I love it so much and keep all of the episodes that my DVR can hold.... I love it and can only aspire to be able to do all of it one day!
So here is my shout out to some of my favs... really I like them all and it would take way too long to list them all so I will just give you a couple GREAT ones!
CBS with "How I Met you Mother" and "The Big

Bang Theory" if you have not seen them they are very entertaining! And to go along with "Project Runway" they have started "Models of the Runway" so you get to see the other side of the show... great who ever came up with that idea!
"Glee" ... is so cute, I loved it after the first episode!
And "Into the Pride", I pretty much could watch any of the shows that have to do with Africa now, but this one was really good! The man in it, Dave Salmoni reminds me of my crazy brother sometimes!!
Of course you can't forget the classic "Grey's Anatomy" and the spinoff "Private Practice" which I actually really like! And can't wait for both of those to start!!
So just to mention a couple... there are so many that I forgot, like "The Biggest Loser" and "Heroes" and thats not to even get into all the Great HGTV and Food Network shows that are always good anytime of the day! And lets never forget the always good anytime always over and over "FRIENDS"!