Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So I had heard that is existed but I hadn't seen it in real life, and still haven't but look Scott that I used to work with found me!!  I am on a University Health Care car.... how funny is that!  So while your out there look for me, I will be rollin around!!


Anonymous said...

You look awesome! I've never seen it either, but I'm glad I get to see a pic of it! Fun! =)

SSWS said...

WOW! I'll have to watch for you! That is hilarious! I love it. You aren't even a Ute....well, maybe by birth!

Maria said...

Liz, That is way too funny! I hope to see it soon in the flesh! Congrats!:)

Erika said...

How did that happen? I need the backstory. That's so funny- you should buy it and drive it around yourself.

Unknown said...

I think you need to find it and have your picture taken standing next to it, in the same clothes! Love, Mom

Allison Watkins said...

SO there I was, pulling out of the Whole Foods parking lot in Park City and who should come smiling by, much bigger than life? You, of course! You looked great and made me chuckle. I love knowing famous people!
Allison Watkins